Get amongst the action during July! Volunteers get a free shirt, a volunteer pass that'll get you access to up to 3 x shows in the hub for free* and free entry to Fringe Club.
Plus you'll get to meet artists, see bits of shows and feel good know that you're helping your local community.
Due to the open access nature of Fringe all volunteers...Read more
Got a new idea or piece of art that you'd like to share and get feedback on? Apply for Mixtures at the Mart where you'll get up to 7 minutes of stage time, $50 and some audience feedback.
All art forms welcome including but not limited to poetry, song writing, plays and stories, dance, movies, animation and visual art.
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Have you got a weird idea for something to hold fun supplies? We've gotten back into bed with NT Health to present the Sexy Safety Dispenser project! Creatives from all backgrounds encouraged to apply! There's limited spots so we recommend getting in quick.
IMAGE features a dispenser made by Rosie Rock in 2021.
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