You can’t hold a good thing down! Darwin Fringe is back for one weekend only for Fringe 2.0 October 24-26 (check dates). A smaller, snappier version of our sadly locked down and turned upside down festival back in July - we’re coming to you across the Brown’s Mart precinct and the Darwin Entertainment Centre for a whole three days and...Read more
Wonderful ticket holders, we’re so close to finalising all of these emails and messages in regards to you either receiving refunds or donating. We just need to hear from you.
To everyone who responded already, we THANK YOU ♥ If you haven’t received a message please check your spam box, if you cannot see anything from our team please see...Read more
You can take the creative out of the art but you can't take the art out of the creative. Despite the festival cancellation some of these events have found safe ways to share their work and bring people together. Originally a part of the 2021 Darwin Fringe program, these shows are now kicking on in their own way.
On display...Read more