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27.06.17 By Staff

Be Part of the Opening Ceremony

Calling all artists and friends to come and be part of the most momentous opening ceremony Darwin has ever seen!

Part flash mob, part Rock Eisteddfod and all ridiculous, we want YOU to be part of the Darwin Fringe Festival’s opening night celebrations.

All you have to do is register now, rock up for a couple of rehearsals and bring your best party attitude on the night!

Performance and all run-throughs take place in Civic Park!

key dates

Run through – 2-4pm this Sunday the 2nd of July
Dress Rehearsal – 5.30pm – 6.30pm Thursday 6th of July
Performance! – Friday the 7th of July @ 7pm (please arrive no later than 6.30pm)

All abilities, ages, colours and smells welcome! Sign up below & we’ll be in touch.

sign up here!

Category: Uncategorised