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23.03.20 By Staff


After some big thinking and lots of chats the Darwin Fringe is extremely disappointed to announce that we will be postponing our festival activities until 2021. We’ve done risk assessments, considered plans, swore a lot, and have had to make a call that will assure the continuation of the festival into the future and ensure the safety of our artists and audiences.

We’ll instead be bunkering down and offering some development and future planning opportunities, including delivering our From the Fringes workshop series in October this year to the Top End creative industry. As you know we’re still raising funds for this so please help us out by spreading the love if you can! Every dollar up to 10k will be matched by Creative Partnerships Australia MATCH Lab Funding. Let’s do something big. Fundraising goes live this Thursday.

If you have ideas for additional small group or online projects or support we could offer this year we have a feedback link open If you have any ideas, concerns or requests. We will keep you all updated as we move forward and will announce opportunities as they become available.

Thank you for your continued support, kindness and contribution. We love you all so very much and are excited to be stuck in the NT with so many innovative weirdos.

from Hannah and the Fringe team.