Acknowledging Darwin Fringe Festival
Acknowledging Darwin Fringe Festival
Referring to the Darwin Fringe Festival in all of your marketing and publicity will drive awareness and sales to your event. Use these guidelines to best communicate your involvement in Darwin Fringe Festival 2018.
where to acknowledge us
your marketing material
- Include our logo on all posters and fliers
- Refer to for tickets
to the media
In press releases and interviews mention us with the phrase “presented as part of the 2018 Darwin Fringe Festival” or similar
on the internet
- Tag us in your social media posts about your show using our social handles:
FB: Darwin Fringe Festival
IG: @darwinfringefestival
TW: @darwinfringe - Use the hashtag #DarwinFringe – this helps the media and our existing Fringe audience to find out about your show!
- Make a Facebook event and send a cohosting request to Darwin Fringe Festival.