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14.03.20 By Staff


The Darwin Fringe would like to assure our community that as of today March 14 we do not have any plans to cancel the Festival in July 2020.

We’re following very closely the official advice from Commonwealth and territory health officials on the public health response to the coronavirus outbreak. At this stage, there has been no direction from them which would impact on holding public events such as festivals or performances. Their advice remains that it’s business as usual and it’s safe to go about our normal routines – that includes attending public events.

We’re of course taking necessary precautions in our own businesses to protect the health of our staff, performers/artists and audiences, and the Darwin Fringe is keeping in regular contact, through our industry body, with the relevant authorities on these issues in the event there is any escalation in the public health response.

At this time, it’s really important that people follow the advice of health authorities, especially for those who have traveled to coronavirus-affected regions overseas, have been in contact with someone who has coronavirus or are feeling unwell. Darwin Fringe is committed to keeping our community up to date with our decision making process and our current priority is to assure the health and safety of our artists and audiences.

At this stage teaser tickets will still go on sale in late May and the entire program will go on sale from June 4.

We wish you all a safe and healthy weekend. You will be updated if anything changes.

Thank you for your time,
The Darwin Fringe Team