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31.07.17 By Staff

2017 Fringe Award Winners

The 2017 Darwin Fringe Festival awards were held in Happy Yess on July 16, the last night of the 2017 Fringe.

The Darwin Fringe gives category awards to outstanding works in their nominated category that are bold, exciting, well executed, and shining examples of their art form.

The Category Award winners for 2017 are:

Theatre and Dance: How To Make a One Person Fringe Show in 3 Months

Cabaret: Terror Australis

Comedy: Regan Lynch Does It In Public – Darwin Fringe Festival

Visual Art: That Painting’s Sh*t, Let Me Fuckin’ Fix It

Spoken Word: Eat My Words- Tastes and Tales from Tropical Cooks

Music: Darwin World Mix

Additional award winners

The Risky – for a work/artist that is innovative and takes artist risks: Ernest Critique

Excellence in Community Arts: CemeNTworx Community Theatre In My Skin

Emerging Arts. for emerging artists who we can’t wait to see more from: Harold Holt Pool Party

Darwin Festival Pomelo. Awarded by the Darwin Festival for a work in development that is delicious, juicy and a little bit difficult (like a pomelo!): In Hand, as part of Fresh Tracks for Darwin Fringe Festival

Super Producer. For a producer or self producing artist who produced the Sh*t out of their show: Nicole Stevens

Best Poster: The Four Horsemen of Comedy

Spirit of the Fringe:Amy Hetherington – Comedy, Shel O’Toole

photo by Jodi Pearce for Terror Australis

Category: Uncategorised